8 Reasons You Fail and Self Sabotage

Shaurya Gulati
Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2021


Created by Author via Canva

Failures- Part and Parcels of Life

That state of not attaining the desired goal will let an individual down and is perceived as ‘failure.’ Does it beat the drum for totality? The individual is put on the canvas? Shelving and considering it as a challenge, the individual apprehends. Birth itself is a failure in his pilgrimage in pursuing perfection, for which effortlessly invests all energies.

“Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be,”

It's not uncommon that we all have faced failures, failures that we didn’t want the failures that we didn’t even think of. But aren’t those failures worth learning from?

Also, have you ever worked toward an important goal only to spectacularly fail because you did something stupid? Or maybe you feel stressed and anxious when you’re trying to achieve something important. This might make you feel more and more frustrated, discouraged and angry with yourself. These feelings trap you and keep you from doing what you need to do.

These are all signs of self-sabotage.

Self-sabotage erodes your self-confidence and self-esteem and affects your relationships with others. With every failed attempt to do the thing you want, you “prove” to yourself that you can’t or shouldn’t do it.

Created by Author via Canva

We often consider ourselves as worthless and feel unworthy of attaining great things in life just because of some failures we have, but we forget it is life, and it goes on like this, with ups and downs, through crests and troughs.

“Even the Phoenix must burn to Emerge,”

The reasons we fail and self-sabotage are:

  1. Not Trying: Every war is first fought in the minds and we have to try at least to be successful to win the war. You fail not because of lack of knowledge or talent, but because you didn’t try sitting on the sidelines watching. You may also lack persistence, giving up too quickly, expecting results far too early. But the thing is, Never Quit until You Win!
  2. Hedonism: The word ‘hedonism’ comes from the ancient Greek for ‘pleasure’. You party a lot. You eat lots of junk food.
    You prioritize only fun in your life, and then you wonder why life is hard. Just keep in mind, a hazy head will always make more excuses than coming up with the solutions.
  3. Repeating Actions: We have all done this, repeating the same set of actions repeatedly, hoping this time they will work.
    This does not get you any closer to your goal. You need to look at your previous unsuccessful efforts and decide what to change in order to achieve the goal.
  4. Not Going all in: You lack conviction and take the middle of the road. But in the middle of the road, your dreams get run over. Decide what is important to you.
    Going 100% in one thing is easier than going into more things and doing partial efforts in them and then saddening for getting unexpected partial results.
  5. Excuses: Do you have a book full of excuses? Does this book tell you why you can’t succeed?
    I bet you do, and it does.
    I don’t support burning books, but this is one book you need to burn.
  6. Lack of Discipline: Discipline is the reason anything worth accomplishing gets done. Discipline takes self-control, sacrifice, and avoiding distractions. It means staying focused; having smaller achievable goals.
    If you don’t break that big end-goal down into bite-size daily, weekly, and monthly milestones, your discipline will suffer.
  7. Poor Self-Esteem: This one is self-explanatory. Poor self-esteem creates a lack of self-worth and self-respect. Continuously questioning yourself and regretting every move, labeling yourself a failure.
    Always think of yourself as someone striving towards a goal. This will help you maintain your focus and perseverance for the long game.
  8. Rushing: Procrastination has killed more of your dreams than you care to realize.
    But pushing out substandard work because you created an arbitrary deadline or left yourself no time to review/improve has killed just as many dreams.
    Give yourself space to do outstanding work.

We let our insecurities get over us and cannot give our best, thus giving us more and more failures, getting a hard strike at our self-worth and self-confidence. But remember, giving up is the only sure way to fail, and it's the most stupid way of failing.
The thing we should not treat ourselves harshly for: the failures, for the things that didn’t turn out the way we expected, or at least we supposed. Failing might be a painful feeling, but the pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever.

Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is a delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.

So Get Up and Strive Now!
All the Best XD



Shaurya Gulati

Something tech, mixed with some Health and some marketing with a pinch of Entrepreneurship too. Loves to think what Future has for us.